Hare are some links:
If you would like your site added, e-mail me the link and i'll take a look at it, then i'll add it to my links! Send an email
Neopets.Com, Its a lots of fun! You can have your own pets on the net.
Manchester United
All about the best team in the world!
Free txt messaging, logo's and ringtones
No Quarter
No Quarters Official Site, My mates band hoping to make it big
a1 Online
a1's Official Site, they maybe on a break, but they will be back!
The best band to come out of England since, erm, a1!
Free E-mail Address, can't be bad!
MFer's Diary
My Online Diary at Free Open Diary
Darren Sites
Darren Addiction Site
Darren Hayes - Where He Wants To Be
Darren Hayes - Aussie God