Whats New with My Site?
10/5/03 APOLOGISE'S AGAIN! I regret to say that all requests for websites to be added to my links page were mysteriously erased from my server! So anyone who e-mailed me from february (if you can remember that far back!) Please e-mailme your addresses and either you would like to be a text link, or a banner link.
27/03/03 NEW LINK ADDED! A link to my online diary has been added so you can read in to the mind of me!!!
27/03/03 SORRY EVERYONE! Hey people, im very sorry for the lack of updates! But there were some unseen circumstances stopping me getting on the computer! However, i am back now and there should be at least an update once a week!Yay!
23/01.03 WANTED: SUBMISSIONS FOR SPIN ADDICTS ANONYMOUS!!!! Basically, what i am after are a few submissions as to why you think you are a spin addict, mine is already up so you can get a feel as to what i mean. The best submissions will be put online.
8/01/03 Lyrics section completed!
22/11/02 NEW SECTION!!! Lyrics will be added to the site, including Savage Garden Songs and songs Darren has covered for various tv programs.
20/11/02 Most of the Website has been finished! Just awaiting an e-mail from another website master about using there photo's in the gallery! An update soon! ^_^ 8/11/02 Website founded!

What's new with My Guild?
23/01.03 Ok, i know ive not updated the Neopets Guild in a while, but thats only beacise of school and this and another company website, but there will be updates soon...
30/12/02-Banner added and also new council position, Assistant Manager up for grabs.